Camp Caribu, Family

Celebrate Wellness On A Virtual Playdate With #CampCaribu Week 4: ‘Healthy Me’

On your mark, get set, go! Campers, it’s time to celebrate wellness with ‘Healthy Me’ Week at #CampCaribu! This week, read stories and do activities that encourage you to stay strong in your mind, heart, and body. Even though it’s challenging to try a new sport or activity, our “Healthy Me” books will introduce you to some friendly characters who give it a shot! Learn important skills to cultivate positive attitudes, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. You can also try the “Healthy Me” drawing pages in the Caribu app, and color with a (grand)child in a Caribu Video-Call!

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Camp Caribu, Diversity, Publishing

Jesse Byrd Jr: “Invest In Learning What Is Outside of Your Experience”

When author Jesse Byrd Jr. launched his own publishing company in 2017, he aimed to amplify voices that are often excluded in the book industry. “We wanted to offer diverse storytelling for young audiences,” he said. “We wanted the stories we publish to be a reflection of the world that children have inherited; a reflection of different communities and environments. We want to share the non-dominant culture, including kids who are people of color, immigrants, and differently abled. It’s about adding more colors to the rainbow.”

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Camp Caribu, Family

#CampCaribu Week 3 Celebrates Summer

Campers, it’s time to celebrate summer! This week, #CampCaribu welcomes sunshine, long days, and special moments with friends and family. Get ready for stories about fun adventures in the outdoors, from cities to seasides, food trucks to fairytales. You can also try the summer drawing pages in the Caribu app, and color with a (grand)child on a Video-Call! Although if it’s not summer where you are, this week’s books and activities will warm your heart wherever you read and play.

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Camp Caribu, Family

A Song That Spans Generations: Richard Van Camp And Julie Flett Discuss ‘We Sang You Home’

“We sang you from a wish, We sang you from a prayer.” With these heartfelt words in English and Plains Cree, Richard Van Camp begins ‘We Sang You Home’/’Ka Kîweh Nikâmôstamâtinân,’ a beautiful picture book tribute to parenting. The book is featured in the Caribu app as part of this week’s #CampCaribu Week 2 “Father Figures” summer reading.

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Camp Caribu, Family, Publishing

What’s The Story Behind ‘The Railway Children’?

Curious about the history behind the mysterious book ‘The Railway Children,’ featured in #CampCaribu’s Week 2 ‘Father Figures’ Reading List? The tale begins in a decadent Victorian home, where the children Bobbie, Peter, and Phyllis have everything they want. However, the story continues ominously, “on Peter’s eighth birthday, the trouble began.”

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Camp Caribu, Family

Camp Caribu Week 2 Celebrates Father Figures

Campers, are you ready for Week Two? This week #CampCaribu celebrates Father Figures in our lives. With Father’s Day around the corner, this week is a chance to appreciate the dads, grandpas, uncles, cousins, educators, coaches, and neighbors who are part of your community. What are some of the ways that they have made a positive impact?

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Camp Caribu, Family

Courageous Conversations Week at #CampCaribu

This week, Caribu is launching a summer reading challenge, #CampCaribu! It is the world’s first summer reading program that you can experience together in a video-call. The program includes 100 days of activities, featured books, and weekly themed reading categories with challenges and prizes to keep kids on track for the next school year. #CampCaribu will help keep the kids engaged and entertained while parents work from home and continue to be mindful of social distancing. It’s 100 days of summer reading in your pocket!

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