Camp Caribu, Family

Celebrate The Tooth Fairy With Caribu, And Keep Track Of Dental Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Saturday is National Tooth Fairy Day, and it’s a great reminder to look out for your family’s dental health! Caribu is featuring some terrific tooth tales in the Summer Reading category this week. Pick your favorites to read in your next Caribu video-call, and connect with your loved ones about your Tooth Fairy memories.

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Camp Caribu, Family

Celebrate Wellness On A Virtual Playdate With #CampCaribu Week 4: ‘Healthy Me’

On your mark, get set, go! Campers, it’s time to celebrate wellness with ‘Healthy Me’ Week at #CampCaribu! This week, read stories and do activities that encourage you to stay strong in your mind, heart, and body. Even though it’s challenging to try a new sport or activity, our “Healthy Me” books will introduce you to some friendly characters who give it a shot! Learn important skills to cultivate positive attitudes, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. You can also try the “Healthy Me” drawing pages in the Caribu app, and color with a (grand)child in a Caribu Video-Call!

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