Camp Caribu, Family

Celebrate The Tooth Fairy With Caribu, And Keep Track Of Dental Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Saturday is National Tooth Fairy Day, and it’s a great reminder to look out for your family’s dental health! Caribu is featuring some terrific tooth tales in the Summer Reading category this week. Pick your favorites to read in your next Caribu video-call, and connect with your loved ones about your Tooth Fairy memories.

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Camp Caribu, Family

It’s Truck Day At Caribu! Celebrate Your Favorite Trucks In A Virtual Playdate

Vroom Vroom! Friday is Truck Day at #CampCaribu! We’re featuring some fantastic books about trucks in our Summer Reading Challenge. Dump trumps, garbage trucks, fire trucks—which is your child’s favorite? Invite a little one you love to bring their toy trucks to your next video call, and pick a book to read together in a virtual playdate. Also, try our trucks coloring pages! In honor of Truck Day, we reached out to the Caterpillar Visitors Center and Museum, in Peoria, Ill., to learn some fun facts about heavy machines and big wheelers. The Visitors Center features hands-on exhibits with videos and images that detail the company’s history and technology.

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Camp Caribu, Family

Meet The Author: Blast Off With Dr. Bruce Betts and V.R. Space Explorers

One of our favorite books about space is V.R. Space Explorers, Titan’s Black Cat. Author Bruce Betts is a space explorer and planetary expert. He is the Chief Scientist at The Planetary Society, the world’s largest non-profit space organization. The organization focuses on education, advocacy, and funding to support innovative programs that further space exploration. We spoke to Betts to learn more about space exploration, LightSail, and being an intergalactic author for kids.

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Camp Caribu, Family

Go For A Ride With #Camp Caribu’s ‘Transportation Week’ In Your Next Virtual Playdate

All aboard! It’s Transportation Week at #CampCaribu, and there’s a lot of fun in motion prepared for readers in the days ahead! From trucks to trains, to space shuttles and boats, this week features books that can carry you on a variety of journeys across the globe and beyond! What’s your favorite vehicle? Pick one of the books from our Summer Reading Category this week, and share it with a loved one in a Caribu video-call.

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Camp Caribu, Family

Dino Day: Fossil Hunting in The Australian Outback

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to work as on a fossil dig? For #CampCaribu’s Dinosaur Day, we spoke to dino experts around the world to learn more about life in the field! The more scientists know about what’s below the Earth’s surface, the more we can solve current mysteries about nature and wildlife today. The Caribu app is a great way to introduce kids to learning about dinosaurs. Download the app and schedule a Caribu video-call to read about these famous prehistoric creatures with your family members. Discuss what makes dinos different from animals today! Choose your favorite dino, and describe what you like about it. Try our dinosaur coloring pages, and draw together in a virtual playdate!

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Camp Caribu, Family

Dino Day: T-Rex Takes The Stage In Chicago

Did you know that T-Rex had enormous teeth up to a foot long? Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as T. rex or T-Rex, was one of the largest meat-eating dinosaurs that ever lived. It’s also captured the imagination of fossil fans since its discovery in 1902. For kids and families who want to learn more about T. rex and other dramatic dinos, #CampCaribu’s ‘Animal Adventures’ Summer Reading category is a great place to start! Check out our favorite T. rex covers in the #CaribuApp, and learn more about dinos big and small! Explore prehistoric eras with fun facts and dynamic illustrations.

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