Halloween, Holidays

Your Guide To A Safe And Happy Halloween

The truly scary thing about Halloween this year is that it’s occurring during a pandemic, but there are safe ways to celebrate, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says. This Halloween, experts recommend that children and adults avoid large gatherings, maintain a distance of 6-feet from others, wear cloth face coverings, and wash hands often.

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COVID-19, Family

When This Is Over, My Baby

When this is over, we’ll go to your favorite playground, my baby. We’ll stay until the sun sets and I’ll push you on your favorite swing. Or I’ll teach you how to pump your legs like you were learning before this pandemic started and I’ll watch as your face lights up with joy and excitement as you swing yourself through the air. Delighted at how high you’re flying.

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COVID-19, Family

Dr. Jen Welter Shares Tools For Kids To Thrive Through Social Distancing

How can we help young children understand more about social distancing and wearing masks? This might seem like an impossible dilemma for parents of active and social kids. Part of child development is learning how to play, share, talk, and tumble together, and it’s hard to push kids to modify these sweet moments of interaction in response to COVID-19. As cities emerge from their shelter-in-place orders, the complexities of playdates and summer camps might be confusing for everyone to navigate.

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COVID-19, Family, Social

Ways To Help Your Child Cope During a Pandemic

How does all this affect children? No doubt some of my readers would have quite a bit of insight to offer! The situations readers are dealing with are no doubt highly diverse. All I can offer are general guidelines. These rely on what psychologists have learned from prior public crises (e.g., the 9/11 attacks, earthquakes, and some others). I thank my colleague Linda Schmidt, M.D., for helpful insights.

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