
Why a Night Routine for Kids Can be a Powerful Moment of Connection

Most parents acknowledge that the quiet consistency of a bedtime routine is comforting and calming for their children, but parents rarely reflect on the effect the bedtime routine has on themselves. At least one research study suggests that regular routines buffer/decrease parenting stress, which in turn has a positive effect on children’s emotions, behavioral regulation and readiness to learn.

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Storypod: The Perfect Addition To Bedtime

Do your kids ever ask for just one more story at bedtime? If your kids are anything like Daniel Buelhoff’s, this is a nightly occurrence. And for Daniel, life gets in the way of being able to read his daughters as many stories as they’d like each night. So he created a new-age storytelling device that his daughters could fall asleep to even when he was away or short on time to read many stories.

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