Camp Caribu, Diversity, Publishing

Jesse Byrd Jr: “Invest In Learning What Is Outside of Your Experience”

When author Jesse Byrd Jr. launched his own publishing company in 2017, he aimed to amplify voices that are often excluded in the book industry. “We wanted to offer diverse storytelling for young audiences,” he said. “We wanted the stories we publish to be a reflection of the world that children have inherited; a reflection of different communities and environments. We want to share the non-dominant culture, including kids who are people of color, immigrants, and differently abled. It’s about adding more colors to the rainbow.”

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Diversity, Family

How To Talk To Toddlers About Race, According To Experts

At this point in time, most socially aware parents know that talking to their kids about race is important. But when do you start? Kindergarten? First grade? Or much earlier? This might come as a surprise, but talking to toddlers about race isn’t just possible, it’s important… especially for parents who have the luxury of seeing this as a choice.

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Diversity, Family

How Fathers Are Teaching Kids About Racism And Privilege

Father’s Day has arrived during a moment of reckoning and reflection in our nation. The country finds itself in the midst of a massive uprising demanding racial justice and condemning police brutality. Americans are discussing race in ways seldom seen in the country’s 244-year history, creating a national dialogue that transcends socioeconomic barriers which typically stall meaningful action.

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Diversity, Holidays

Learn And Share With Your Kids On Juneteenth

Whether it is your first Juneteenth or your 40th, you can find some opportunities to learn and to commemorate the holiday using the Caribu app. Start by picking a Juneteenth coloring page to work on together and spark a conversation with your (grand)child. To find one, tap the ‘Activities’ tab and search in the ‘Anti-Racism’ category. Select a Juneteenth image, and contact a family member over a Caribu Call. Color in some of the Juneteenth pages together, and share your thoughts about this important day.

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Diversity, Family, Publishing

Mr. Business Author B.K. Fulton: It’s Time To Put Black Children On The Cover

“You are more likely to find a book about a dog, a cat or a humanoid than a book with a Black child on the cover or between the pages.” So began a conversation with author B.K. Fulton, creator of the Mr. Business series, a seven-book series based on his childhood experiences. This week Caribu is featuring the second book in the series, The Science Fair, as part of the #CampCaribu ‘Courageous Conversations: Anti-Racism’ Week.

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Diversity, Family

How To Talk To Your Children About The #BlackLivesMatter Protests Happening Around The Country

When it comes to tackling any tough topic with your children, age-appropriate honesty is always going to be your best bet. “If we want to raise our children to be compassionate people who participate as responsible citizens in a democracy, we need to find ways to talk with them about the thorny issues that we struggle with as a country,” wrote Dr. Laura Markham of Aha! Parenting.

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Diversity, Family

As A Black Mother, I Ask: Can We Actually Change for Good This Time?

For the first time in my life, this doesn’t feel like a false alarm. We’ve been heard. We matter. That’s all we’ve been saying—We matter. I am brought to tears by the enormity of the shift I feel the world leaning into. There is a cleansing, a collective consciousness that is washing away the ills that don’t serve us. This year has birthed gigantic waves of grief and death, but what is the lesson the teacher is screaming at us to learn through the pandemic, the hate, and the murders? I believe it’s to recognize the value of every person and to love, help, and support each other. We need each other.

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