Sharks are one of those animals that you’re either really amazed by or slightly terrified by. From how massive they can grow to be, to the rows upon rows of teeth they have, they’re usually one of the first types of fish that come to mind. Let’s just be thankful we don’t have megalodons roaming the oceans anymore. Nevertheless, kids seem to be intrigued by these hungry deep-sea creatures!
If your child loves sharks or is interested in learning how to draw new animals, teaching them how to draw a shark is a great idea! They’re not only extremely easy to sketch, but also create a great segway into teaching your little ones about sea creatures. Did you know that sharks don’t have any bones? Instead, they’re actually made up completely of cartilaginous tissues!
Another interesting fact you can share with your child or grandchild before getting started on your drawing is that there are over 500 species of sharks! Isn’t that incredible? It’s truly amazing how many types of sharks are roaming the deep ocean blue!
Does your child or grandchild happen to be a visual learner? If so, here’s a step-by-step visual guide on How To Draw A Shark, available on our app.
To start, begin reading through the instructions to get a feel for how the drawing process will work. Then, go through each step carefully, making sure to take your time and complete it as accurately as you can. We hope this guide helps and that you and your kiddos have fun drawing. Now, let’s get started!
How To Draw A Shark
Step 1 – The Head
To begin this drawing we’re going to start with the head of the shark. First, start by drawing a wide egg-like shape in the top middle of the page. This head shape will resemble what looks like an egg that has been slightly squashed so that the top and bottom are slightly flattened and the mid-section is wider. Next, draw a curved line going through the middle of the head from the left side to the right side. Have the middle of the line very slightly bend down towards the bottom of the head.
Step 2 – The Body
The base of the body will resemble the shape of a triangle. However, the bottom, which is the tip of the triangle, will be curved to the left side. To draw the body of the shark, start your line on the bottom left side of the head. As you draw down, move your pencil slightly angled to the right.
When you reach the end of the line, curve the line to the left; this will come to the point of the triangle. Then continue that line curving upwards to the right, connecting it back to the bottom of the right side of the head.
Step 3 – The Fins
The fins will be in the shape of triangles that will connect to the lower half of the head and top side of the body. The tip of the fins will be the outermost point of the fins, the farthest point from the body of the shark.
For the left fin, start the top of it in the middle of the lower half of the shark’s face, drawing outward towards the left, at a slightly downward angle. Then, to make a point to the shark’s fin, make an 80-degree turn to the right and stop the line right before it would connect to the top of the shark’s left side. You’re then going to draw a line going from the end of the fin you just drew, next to the side of the shark’s body, and connect it to the very end of the shark’s body.
Make sure to keep the line fairly close to the shark’s body. This step is meant to add more dimension to the shark’s body. Once you complete that step, it will begin to look like the curved triangle is the shark’s stomach and the outer line you drew is the shark’s side.
You’re now going to complete this process of drawing the fin and side of the shark’s body on the right side. Start at the top of the right fin in the middle of the lower half of the shark’s face, drawing outward towards the right, at a slightly downward angle. Then, to make a point to the shark’s fin, make an 80-degree turn to the left and stop the line right before it would connect to the top of the shark’s right side.
You’re then going to draw a line from the end of the fin you just drew, next to the side of the shark’s body, and connect it to the very end of the shark’s body. Make sure to keep the line fairly close to the body.
Step 4 – The Tail
To draw the tail, you’re going to put your pencil towards the bottom of the shark’s body, where it comes to a point. Drawing from just above that point, on the line, you’re going to draw a line going upward towards the left and then making a point, which will be the tip of the left side of the shark’s tail. Next, make a 45-degree angle, bringing the line down to the right, near the bottom of the shark’s body.
Then, make the line go straight down slightly and make another 45-degree angle going upward to the right until it connects to the right side of the shark’s body (right above the endpoint of the body).
Step 5 – Top Fin
This step is very simple; you’re just going to add another fin but to the top of the shark’s head. This fin will be smaller than the fins on the sides of the shark. Start on the top of the head, in the middle, but slightly to the left. Draw a small line going upward to the right and then down to the right, connecting it to the top of the head, slightly to the right of the middle of that line. It should resemble a small triangle shape.
Step 6 – The Mouth
Starting in the bottom half of the head, below the line that goes across the head, start a curved line starting from that line about 1/4th from the left, going about halfway down that bottom half-space, and connect it back to the line about 3/4th of the page from the left. This shape should resemble a half oval.
On the top line of that half oval shape, make very small triangles, with points coming straight down, these are the shark’s top teeth. Add as many top teeth as you would like. On the curved bottom line of the half oval, make triangle shapes going along it with the points going upwards, these are the shark’s bottom teeth. Add as many bottom teeth as you’d like! Shade in the middle of the half oval shape, but leave the triangles white on the inside. This completes the shark’s mouth!
Step 7 – The Eyes And Nose
The shark’s eyes and nose go in the top half of its head. Draw two parallel oval shapes that are positioned vertically, with space in between them for the nose. Draw another oval inside both ovals and shade them in, these are the shark’s pupils. Add eyelashes if you choose to by drawing a few small lines extending from the top of the outer ovals. This step completes the shark’s eyes! To draw the shark’s nose, draw two small circles side by side in-between the shark’s eyes and shade them in.
Step 8 – Final Touches
To make this shark your own, continue designing it however you like. Color it in, add patterns or textures to it. Write your shark’s name next to it if you want, or whatever you’d like to make it more personal to you and your child.
Get To Drawing
We hope this guide was helpful and inspired you and your little ones on how to draw some sharks! After you work together to draw your own, take some time to sit down together and read about sharks and all the information surrounding these interesting, massive creatures. Reading is so good and healthy for children and Caribu has all the resources you would need to educate and entertain your little ones.
A great way to get started is with Caribu’s Book Bundles that sends phsyical books to your little ones and includes a 1-year subscription to the Caribu app where you also have access to thousands of ebooks, games, drawing activities, and more! Get started on all the fun awaiting you and your family today!
12 Shark Facts That May Surprise You | NOAA Fisheries
Top 10 facts about sharks | WWF
Ten interesting facts about sharks | Australian National Maritime Museum