What is there not to love about cute, hippity-hoppity bunnies? From their long ears to their little tail and wiggly nose, they’re one of the most adorable animals around. What makes them even cuter: when your little one learns how to draw one for the first time!
We’ve created a fast and easy tutorial on how to draw a rabbit. It’s perfect for both kids and adults! Before we help you draw your very own bunny, you can learn some fun facts about bunnies, like when you’re most likely to see them, and why their little noses twitch so much. Keep reading to find out!
A Few Fun Facts About Bunnies!
Before we get into drawing, have you ever been curious about learning more about bunnies? It’s always a treat to catch a glimpse of a bunny hopping by in the evenings. If you ever get the opportunity to pet one, they’re incredibly soft. They also make great pets! If you want to see some real pictures of bunnies, you should check out Bunny Island on Caribu!
Children usually love seeing bunnies and rabbits in the wild or even in their favorite book. But, how much do you actually know about them? As it turns out, they’re incredibly interesting! Here are a few facts you may not have known.
How Fast Can Bunnies Run?
Do you think you could beat a rabbit in a foot race? If your answer is yes, you may not want to let their size fool you. They can actually run anywhere from 25 to 45 miles an hour. By comparison, the average speed for humans is 8.3 miles an hour for males and 6.5 miles per hour for females. Rabbits use their quick speed primarily to get away from predators. While they can’t maintain their speed for long, it’s perfect for finding a hiding place from a fox, raccoon, or owl.
When Are Bunnies Active?
Some animals are nocturnal (active during the night) and some animals are diurnal (active during the day). Can you guess what bunnies are? They’re actually neither of these! Bunnies are crepuscular. This means they’re most active during dawn and dusk. Rabbits may get up and stretch and nibble on a snack during the day or night, but you’ll mostly find them hiding and sleeping.
Why Do Bunnies Twitch Their Nose?
One thing bunnies and rabbits are known for is their adorable little twitching nose. They don’t make an iconic sound like many other animals. A hiss, grunt, or whine has nothing on a cow and its moo, so a lot of times little kids learn that bunnies wiggle their noses, and try to make the same motion with theirs. This is basically cuteness overload!
So, what’s with all the twitching? They actually twitch their nose to have a better sense of smell, when they’re curious about something, breathe easier, and it also may regulate their body temperature!
How Can You Draw A Bunny Fast And Easy?
Now that you’ve learned some fun new facts about bunnies, let’s get to drawing! Rabbits can seem a little tricky to draw, but when you break them down into a few easy steps, you may be surprised at your own rabbit-drawing abilities!
To get started, open your Caribu app and find the “How to Draw: Bunny” coloring sheet. Here you’ll find visual aids to the step-by-step instructions. Don’t forget to remind your little one (and yourself) that every bunny doesn’t look the same! If your bunny looks a little different from ours, that’s okay! That’s the beauty of art.
Step 1
Our first step is to draw the head and body of the bunny. These first few steps may have overlapping lines, but in a later step, we’ll erase any lines that aren’t needed.
To draw the head, start a little left of center on your page. The head shape looks a little like an irregular oval. Draw your irregular oval at a diagonal, with the bottom of the oval facing the bottom left of your page. The bottom will end up being the nose and mouth.
Next, it’s time to draw the body. The shape of the body is more of an egg shape, with the smaller end facing the back of the bunny.
Step 2
In step two, we’re going to focus on the bunnies legs on its left side. Let’s start with the back leg. The top of the leg should start all the way at the back of the body. Starting at the center point of the back of the body, draw a slightly curved line for the back of the leg.
Then curve that line to the front of the bunny and then back again, making a little foot. Without stopping, keep that line going to make the thigh of the bunny, ending where you first started the line.
To make the front leg, start right under the back of the head. To make the front foot, draw a little open sock shape pointing to the front of the bunny. The lines of the sock should reach up to about halfway between its head and the bottom line of the body.
Step 3
Now in step three, we’re going to focus on the bunny’s ears, nose, and right front foot. Let’s first finish the right leg. To make this leg, it should be centered between the head and the left front leg. Draw a slightly irregular U shape that resembles a rabbit foot. The lines of the U shape should stop at the line of the body.
For the bunny’s long ears, you can make one of the ears more straight, and one slightly curved, to show a little movement. First, start with the bunny’s left ear where the head and body meet, and finish at the middle of the top of the head. Then, draw the bunny’s right ear starting at that point. The ears should be the same width.
Now it’s time for that adorable little nose. Where the oval for the head points down, draw a little circle. The circle should be inside of the oval, not on the outside.
Step 4
Step four is all about the mouth, eyes, and tail. First, let’s start with the mouth. From the nose, draw a small curved line going from the bottom of the nose to the left meeting the line at the front of the head. This line will be super small. Starting at the same spot on the nose, draw a line curving up that goes to about the middle of the head, but not past the nose.
Next, let’s work on the eye. For our bunny, we’ll only see one of their eyes. Right above where you stopped the bunny’s mouth, draw a little circle for the eye. We’ll add more detail to it in a later step.
Time for the cute little cotton ball tail! Right where the body and the back leg meet is where your tail should be drawn. To draw the tail, draw a half-circle that starts on the body and ends on the back leg. To give it that fluffy look, draw a small curved line going down, from the center of the tail down, not touching the bunny again.
Step 5
Now that you can see your bunny, it’s time to start adding details in step five. Starting with the eyes, draw a curved line at about the middle of the eye. This will end up being the pupil. Then, in the center of the eye, on that curved line, draw a small circle. This will be the little twinkle in their eye!
Next, let’s add a little tuft of fur to the bunny’s head. Starting where the bunny’s ears meet, going down, draw four small bumps.
Step 6
Now it’s time to complete our bunny! First, let’s erase any lines that aren’t needed. You can erase the body line that overlaps the head, and the body line that goes through the front left leg. You can also erase the body line that goes through the back leg, and some of the line for the top of the thigh.
Next, you’ll need to add a line in each of the ears to show the inside of the ear. Starting from the top, and following the curve of the ear, draw your line all the way to the bottom of the ear. On the bunny’s left ear, erase the line for the head under the inside of the ear.
It’s now time to color in the pupil for the eye. Color the part that’s under the curved line black.
And finally, finish your adorable bunny drawing by adding its whiskers! Draw two curved whiskers on each side of the nose, and you’re done!
You did it! Awesome job! Now your little one can give their grandma a video-call and show them how they can draw a bunny. While they’re showing them their bunny, they can teach them a few fun facts about bunnies too!
Kids aren’t always excited to sit on a boring video call with family. However, with Caribu, you can turn those boring calls into lots of fun when you learn how to draw together!
Can you tell me about bunnies? | Ask Dr. Universe | Washington State University