
Thomas Shows Us How To Extend A Hand

What do you do when a friend gets off track? Thomas the Tank Engine™ knows how to help! Join Caribu and Kevin Jonas in a Video Read Aloud of Thomas and the Breakdown Train. It’s the second in Caribu’s series of Thomas and Friends™ 75th Anniversary Video Read Alouds.

In this story, Thomas’s fellow tank engine, James, is pushed into a dangerous situation. Thomas steps up to assist with the rescue by pushing the breakdown train. He spends all day working his hardest to save his friend. 

The book teaches an important lesson about being there for others. Around the world, many people are facing life-changing challenges and struggling to get back on their feet. What can we model for our children during these difficult times? Take a lesson from Thomas! When you notice a friend in need, start your engine and jump into action: 

  • Check-in with family and friends online and over the phone.
  • Connect neighbors in need with community help organizations.
  • Offer to mentor friends that need career support.  
  • Host a virtual social event, like a book club, singalong, or trivia night.
  • Make Caribu calls with relatives to connect with younger kids in the family through reading and activities. 
  • Participate in a fundraiser for an organization or a cause that you support. 
  • Make an online purchase from a business that had to close temporarily. 
  • Join community shout-outs for essential workers and medical teams.

Even though it can be challenging to lend a hand when we are far apart, small gestures can make a big difference. Show your kids that you, like Thomas, will help out friends in need. 

Thomas and the Breakdown Train is just one of many Thomas and Friends™ stories that teach us about friendship and teamwork. Join Caribu as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of this timeless series with four Video Read Alouds featuring Kevin Jonas. Use the ‘Videos’ tab of your iOS app to find Thomas and the Breakdown Train when you’re ready for your #CaribuBreak.