COVID-19, Family, Social

How Kids Can Practice Their Social Skills during a Virtual Playdate

Gone for now are the days of traditional playdates, team sports, and even school recess. Who knew playing at the playground would be something we’d take for granted. We all have had to come to grips with this new normal, but as an adult, it’s easier to stay connected to your friends. But it’s important to remember that kids need to keep in touch just as much, if not more than we do. And they can continue to work on their playdate social skills.

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COVID-19, Family

Looking After Our Mental Health

The new realities of working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact with other family members, friends and colleagues take time to get used to. Adapting to lifestyle changes such as these, and managing the fear of contracting the virus and worry about people close to us who are particularly vulnerable, are challenging for all of us. They can be particularly difficult for people with mental health conditions.

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COVID-19, Family, Social Tech

Agonizing Over Screen Time? Follow The Three C’s

Certainly, existing screen time recommendations (no screen time for children under 18 months and less than one hour of daily high-quality programming for 2- to 5-year-olds) don’t really account for the reality of how we use media. Sure, our children use screens to watch cartoons, but they also need them to connect with teachers, classmates and grandparents.

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COVID-19, Family, Social

How Remote Babysitters Can Help Parents By Using Caribu

Parents, families, and people in general across the world are doing a great job following guidelines for social distancing and self quarantining, and coping with the new situations and challenges that arise due to this. However, it can still be a tough situation, parents who are now working from home may still be in need of someone to entertain their child so that they can have a meeting or really focus on something. Luckily, Babysits and Caribu can help!

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COVID-19, Family, Social

Ways To Help Your Child Cope During a Pandemic

How does all this affect children? No doubt some of my readers would have quite a bit of insight to offer! The situations readers are dealing with are no doubt highly diverse. All I can offer are general guidelines. These rely on what psychologists have learned from prior public crises (e.g., the 9/11 attacks, earthquakes, and some others). I thank my colleague Linda Schmidt, M.D., for helpful insights.

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COVID-19, Family

How To Support Your Child’s Learning During COVID19

The world is changing by the minute, and we are in a time that involves many unknowns. All the recent changes are forcing parents, on top of their own work life, to now become their child’s teacher. Many parents are wondering how to support their child’s learning during the COVID-10 Pandemic. To continue to build your child’s academic skills and overall mental health, here are some tips that parents can employ to help navigate through this uncertain time.

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