COVID-19, Family

The Right Songs To Calm Stir Crazy Kids

There are only 12 notes in music, but with them an endless combination of melodies can be created. Music has taken on even bigger role of easing the stress and uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic. This goes especially for your kids. And there’s an ideal soundtrack to help kids navigate the feelings about the coronavirus pandemic but also help stir crazy kids chill out.

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Thomas Reminds Us To Appreciate Those Pulling The Weight

All aboard! Do you have any Thomas the Tank Engine™ fans at home? Join Caribu to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Thomas and Friends™ with our first of four Video Read Alouds featuring Kevin Jonas. The series kicks off with “Thomas and Gordon,” an exciting tale that teaches Thomas a lesson about respecting the hard work of others.

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COVID-19, Family, Social

How Kids Can Practice Their Social Skills during a Virtual Playdate

Gone for now are the days of traditional playdates, team sports, and even school recess. Who knew playing at the playground would be something we’d take for granted. We all have had to come to grips with this new normal, but as an adult, it’s easier to stay connected to your friends. But it’s important to remember that kids need to keep in touch just as much, if not more than we do. And they can continue to work on their playdate social skills.

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