Anything, Family

Rainy Day Activities For Kids

What better way to spend a rainy day than having fun with your kids. Playtime is an important aspect of a child’s life. Even while playing they are learning. A rainy day can be an asset for you as you find new ways to spend time with your child. We have gathered some activities to ensure you can relax and create wonderful memories with your children. 

Change Of Plans

We live during a time when events and plans can get canceled at a moment’s notice. Family plans to places such as a museum, library, or the public pool may need to be put on hold for another time. 

Having ideas ready to ease your child’s disappointment as plans change can be a valuable resource. We also want to help you feel confident that your children are thriving should their normal routine need to change.

The Importance Of Fun

Studies have suggested that play is an important part of childhood. You may be surprised to find that while children are playing they are also learning. The benefits of play can help with brain function, social skills, and physical growth. When a child is using their imagination they may be expanding their critical thinking skills. Play can “play” a vital role in a child’s development.

It is also important for parents to have backup support. Getting grandparents involved can be a great way to always feel like you’ve got things covered. A video-call is one great way to involve extended family and empowers your child to add joy to someone’s day.

Active Activities

Interactive Video-Call

Sometimes, you just don’t want to run around, especially on a rainy day. We get it; you can’t come up with ways to entertain your kids on your own 24/7. That’s where Caribu comes in. Your child can read books, draw, and play games with a friend or loved one in an engaging and interactive video-call. Let your child read or draw on their own, or safely call a grandparent within the app to hop on Caribu to play with them.

Play With Blocks

There are so many things you can do with blocks. Depending on the size of them, kids can build forts, towers, or get creative and ask your kids to design their own city. You can also give your kids challenges, such as seeing how high they can build their block tower before it falls over or they can’t reach anymore. 

Water Play

Young children enjoy playing in the water for extended periods of time. The tub can be a great place to have fun no matter the weather outside. Swimsuits create an atmosphere that is more playtime than bathtime and is a great way to entertain a few children together. 

Plastic dishes and even pots and pans make great impromptu water toys. While the play tends to be more self-directed as with any type of water play, supervision is important for the safety of your children.

Build A Fort

Creating a playspace using available pillows, sheets, and throw blankets is a classic way to spend time together. You may want to grab a flashlight, fire up a scary story on Caribu, and add some glow sticks to enhance the experience. 

Quiet Adventures

Tea Time

Another timeless idea is allowing your child to set up an area to have an imaginary interaction surrounded by comforting dolls and stuffed animals. The classic tea party is a great self-directed activity. You can also use this opportunity to have a special snack time with your child.

Corn Starch

Some kids love goo. You may remember from science class that when you mix cornstarch and water, weird things happen. Sometimes the mixture acts like a liquid, sometimes it acts like a solid, but it is always fun to play with.

Color Mixing

You can explore the world of color mixing with several cups of water and some food coloring. Simply start by adding one color to each cup of water that is a third full of water. Stir the mixture to combine. Have your kids pour a little of each color from one cup to another to change the color. 

Craft Suggestions

Packing Peanuts

You may be surprised that modern packing peanuts are made of corn starch. You can find some that are colored where craft supplies are sold. The ones that arrive with items that are shipped to you also work. 

Simply wet a sponge or cloth with water and touch one side of the packing peanut to the wet surface. The packing peanut will then stick to another packing peanut allowing your child to build a sculpture of their choosing. 

Pasta Bridge

Lots of kids love to use glue. Try creating a bridge using pasta. It may be best to start by looking at a picture of a bridge as a reference. Spaghetti makes great lines when glued to paper. Any other shapes you have on hand can be used to form the bridge supports. 

Once the glue has dried you can bring the project out again and use crayons to color the water under a bridge or add a sky above.

Explore Different Mediums

A great introduction to art is to create different projects with the same subject. This can be a great idea when you have a week of rainy weather so you can try a different project each day. For example, kids can start with drawing the shape of an apple.

You can follow up next time by using markers to color in the apple. Another day you can tear different kinds of paper to create a collage of an apple. 

Outdoor Fun

If the weather is accommodating, you may consider an outdoor activity in the rain. Children love to use an umbrella, put on their rubber boots, and go for a puddle walk. The world looks and smells different while it is raining. 

Pine cones close, bugs walk on the surface of the water, and there is mud to play with. Consider an unusual destination, for example, a grove of trees, or a beach to enjoy what the different locations have to offer.

Planning Your Day

Faster Than You Think: The attention span of children can be short. They can go through an activity much quicker than you can expect. The excitement of having succeeded in a short task can create youthful energy. Having a list of several ideas can alleviate the stress of trying to quickly come up with another idea for your child.

Switching Out Toys: A great way to simulate self-directed playtime is to rotate a child’s toys. You can also have collections of toys for different locations and times: rainy day toys, road trip toys, and even seasonal items or some for holiday playtime.

Scheduling Activities: When you are planning your day it is best to allow for adjustment based on your child’s energy level. Quiet activities may be better closer to a time of rest. Opting for structured activities would be a great way to follow self-directed playtime.

Involving Grandparents: An easy way to ensure a successful visit with extended family is to have a few activities ready just because. These ideas are not really a backup plan, they are just opportunities for fun in case your outdoor plans get rained out. Leaving some supplies for a craft in the car or jotting down a short list of interactive activities can bring generations closer together at a moment’s notice.

A great way to visit with grandparents when the weather keeps you home is a video-call. You may even want to use an interactive app for your phone or tablet. Caribu has a wealth of books with your child’s favorite characters along with activities and games that are always ready to go. 

Rain, Rain, Go Away

We’ve got you covered when it comes to spending time with your kids in a way that is relaxing and fun. These ideas may give you a foundation to build on as you and your child explore the new adventures that can be found on a rainy day. 


The Importance of Play: How Kids Learn by Having Fun | Healthline

15 ways to keep kids active indoors (even if you don’t have much space) | Today’s Parent

130+ Fun Activities for Kids to Do at Home | Pathways